Blue cheese dressing

There is no recipe here. Cream to fill about half this jar, mayonnaise to change to desired viscosity and fill to about 3/4th full, then half the cheese tested, not enough, added all the rest. So three ingredients only, in combination to suit myself. 

I do not know anything about this cheese. My fear is it is too weak. I want an abundance of chunks in each serving, none of this one tiny lonesome lost chunk per serving, no siree, this is an embarrassment of abundant blue cheese, totally lumpy blue cheese dressing, so maybe best that it is not so strong. Anyway, it has a few hours to meld. 

I'll pawn off the excess onto somebody, probably leave it with the hosts. 

edit: There was excess. But only a few tablespoons, maybe a quarter cup, half a cup at most, the bottom of this jar. Taken home by another guest. The next day the host called and said this type of dressing is his favorite, adding that he was first to finish his salad. I said, he must have had one of the smaller ones, and he returned, that he served the salads himself and took the one with the most dressing, just to be a hog about it. And I think that is very funny. But it tells me, I can just whip out a jar and hand it to him and it would be a very good gift. And so too for the person who took the jar home. 

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