Pasta and cheese frittata

Unsightly, unpromising, surprisingly satisfying.

Not a normal pasta thing. Pasta not cooked the usual way. This time the pasta is broken in half to fit into a pan, less water, all the water will be used to overcook the pasta, less salt than usual for pasta water since it will all be concentrated, and oil in the water to fry the pasta, here oil and butter. Cold water, pasta dumped in from the start. So, every aspect of good pasta cooking is violated to get down to the pasta-like starchy substance. 

When the water is evaporated then the stirring stops so the pasta can brown in the pan. Loose pasta is lifted up the sides of the pan to form a nest.

Prepared egg and cheese mixture flavored however you wish is dumped into the nest, Loose un-fried surface-pasta pulled up into the egg mixture to intermingle without disturbing the crunchy fried bottom. 

Broiled a few minutes to finish and to brown the top. It puffs as beaten eggs do.

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