
CoBrew disappeared from the shop directly below my apartment so now I must buy wheat grain and malt elsewhere. 

The brew-shops around here were a total drag to visit. Although, there was one not too far off Spear on the other side of 1-25 on the hill. Stomp Them Grapes. Flickr album. 

So I bought malted whole wheat grain and malt from Amazon. This arrived in a brittle plastic bag with a hole and the powder is incredibly sticky. It makes a mess of everything that it touches. I  repaired the tear but it still leaked scant powder and I just don't want to deal with the bag.

The wheat grain is already malted. This is to enhance it if necessary. It's also great in chocolate milk and other things besides bread. It adds a very nice dimension to lots of things. Pancakes and waffles for examples, oatmeal for another. 

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