Tuna and avocado sushi rolls


The package looked kind of sad when Whole Foods delivered it but it tasted great and that's all that I care about.

I was watching for them for hours. 

They keep in contact by phone messages as they go. Then suddenly nothing. I kept checking within the delivery window, the time they allotted for delivery.

Finally a knock on the door but it wasn't them. They had already arrived, already delivered, and there were nine bags outside my door. One of the women who works in the office downstairs saw them and she alerted me. She brought them into my kitchen. 

They love me around here.

I mean it.

They're always looking out for me. She noticed something was wrong and she made it right for me. 

There was ice cream in one of the bags. 

Whole Foods wraps the ice cream in a separate insulated package to keep it cold as possible. The package would be useful for camping. They do a very nice job, but they could at least knock on the door when they make a delivery, or use their online notification for that critical step. As I say, I was waiting for them. I expected they'd need help with access to the building but they so clever at slipping in. 

They're ninjas!

It's great not having to go shopping all the time. Although I always have fun when I do. I use this delivery service all the time. It's totally worth it. 

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