Burger Fi, cheeseburgers, fries, chocolate shake

"I'm taking your picture."

"I'm a star!" 

Two single cheeseburgers; lettuce, tomato, pickles, fried onions, jalapeños, your sauce.

I cannot taste the jalapeños, the fried onions nor the house sauce.

What? Did you rip me off?


     "Yes, Bo?"

"Are you a manager here?"


"I was siting at home thinking about where to go to score something to eat. I thought of this place and pictured you. Then I bet myself they made you manager because you are pure manager material. So, I won the bet. But, myself whom I was betting with also bet they made you manager so odds were 2 against 0. 

    "Oh, Bo, thank you for saying that. Thank you. That's the nicest most perfect thing for me to hear right now. I was having a tough time today and you just now made my whole day worth it. Thank you. You lifted my spirit. Thank you, Bo. That means a lot to me. Thank you."

Wow. I'm glad I told her that. It was a bit stupid but I'm glad that I said it.

Kelly is not pictured. She's a slight thin young woman with extremely shortly cropped hair. With a patch of long hair grown to a single ponytail. It used to be a patch of dreadlocks. Maybe she changed it to be more managerial.

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