Old Santa Fe, combination: taco, enchilada, chile relleno, frittata, rice, beans, chips and salsa

It's very good. And so is the price. The weird thing is this place is struggling while 1/2 block away Torchy's, a Texas taco place, hardly auténtico as this place is and a bit more expensive with less extras is always packed and usually with a dauntingly long line. It doesn't make sense except there is no accounting for taste.

This was happening. Rain approaching. I never lived anywhere that the air is so dry that rain is shown in the distance as virgas all the time. 

If you were a painter, you'd take a dry brush and set it on the lower edge of the gray clouds and pull it down to create streaks over what is already painted. It's awesome. Often even more isolated than this. Just one cloud dumping itself out of a whole bunch of clouds. And then people would go, "That isn't even real." But it is.

As it was, this was even more interesting for its lightning. I felt that I didn't have enough time to set up the tripod and the lightning devise. It probably needs new batteries anyway. And I have to read the instructions each time. But the sky was flashing like crazy. It would have been a good day for that.

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