Snow crab cakes, asparagus, mushrooms

Joshua said, "These fresh ones are miles ahead of the pre-picked ones but they are twice the cost." 

This whole thing is dearly expensive. In cost, because the increment had better be especially great, and in time especially when you do not know what you are doing. This is the biggest nit-picky thing imaginable. It goes: pick pick pick pick pick pick pick snap pick pick pick snap snap snap pick pick pick pick over and over and over for every tiny segment of leg for every tiny molecule of possible meat. The pieces are way too small. It's similar to king crab except a lot smaller. 


We had king crab all the time '64-'67 because we were so close. I thought back then at age eleven what a total drag the whole thing is. This snow crab is a lot worse because the payoff is even more tiny.

I am a terrible crab picker. There are bits of invisible things throughout these patties. 

Neither Joshua nor Thomas Joseph used Old Bay.

Commenters on other sites describe Joshua as nearly intolerable millennial d-bag but I must say the guy cracks me up. He had me stopped flat laughing at him slapping his own butt. In those stupid thin Target gym shorts. Showing his oversized butt all the time, proud of its reduced protuberances. He reminds me of one of my friends. Joshua lost 100 lbs. My friend was much heavier than that. My friend's nickname at school was Haystack. The other students  were naturally cruel. And hilarious. Subjected to torment like that Gary is equally realistically-cynically hilarious.

It looks like Joshua is using snow crab while the type of crab in the pre-picked container was never made clear. Wait. 3rd viewing, that is not snow crab. He has something else. They might be two different types of crab. My crab came out mostly as threads. Because I do not know what I am doing. I found picking extremely frustrating. 

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