Pan-fried potato, mixed green vegetables, hamburger patty w/American cheese

Microwaved for 6 minutes without poking any holes into the potato. 

I learned from watching so many potato-related videos that green underneath the skin indicates the storage went a bit warm. Potatoes are nightshades. Nightshades are poisonous. This green stuff that occurs under compromised storage can get you in trouble with nightshade poisoning. I do not know if this is true. It is what I saw in potato-related videos.

At a party a few years ago my friends ate their potato skins with green underneath them anyway and nothing happened to them. 

Except that every single one of them voted the wrong way and did so with extreme sanctimony, and that means they are all now resolutely politically retarded. 

Every last one of them. 

I live in an insanely politically stupid city.


So let this be a warning. Eating potatoes with green underneath the skin can make you 100% sanctimoniously politically retarded. And there will be no talking sense to you.

None of the Instacart picker/drivers can find semolina in one particular store. 

So I bet them each $20.00 that they cannot find it. 

Then paid them $20.00 anyway for doing all that tedious shopping, checking out, loading, delivering, re-loading, and now sometimes even unloading.

But Jeremy knew right were semolina is placed in that store. This was easy for him. When he arrived here with the goods, I gave $20.00 for finding the semolina (or for knowing where it is) and another $20.00 for all the rest of the crap he went through to bring this stuff to me. From his p.o.v. a rather good take. An unfair win to his advantage. He behaved extremely grateful. He behaved surprised with the windfall. 

But everything was that efficient. These runners are good. I would not be so good as they are. I would be greatly annoyed with all the piddling crap and disinclined to choose the best of all things one-by-one. But these kids really do go for it. I've come to enjoy working with them. There have been so many now I believe that I know their type. Reliably, their enthusiasm, their drive, their energy are all exemplary. The people who choose this path to make extra money are all very help-oriented type people. I fit their help-profile precisely. And this service is fantastic and inexpensive. So long as you don't care about not seeing all the other stuff that the store might have on special or whatever. 

I gave Jeremy one of the chile pepper plants that I am growing in 4" pots under the Aerogarden lights. Surprisingly, he was delighted to have it. Then I told him that the peppers grow to the shape of wrinkled red penises. Peter Peppers.  I thought that would put him off but instead it made him even more delighted. I love having these people around. 

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