Chicken salad, penne pasta, apple

*  One single chicken breast torn to pieces.

*  Penne pasta, a handful if you have large hands, two hands full if your hands are small, as if forming a bowl so that the two small hands together can hold more penne pasta than two hands independently as so much of it would fall over the edges of your little hands there, too small to be of much use as penne pasta scoopers, oh well, you might as well go with a cup, say, I'm guessing here,  3/4 cup. 

*  two small Yukon Gold potatoes cooked in the pasta water, conservation you know.  The cooked hot potatoes are cubed and rolled in seasoned oil with a touch of vinegar. The potatoes absorb this light dressing as they cool. 

* One large apple cut to pieces

* Two celery stalks

*  1/2 small white onion zapped for thirty seconds to disable its aggressive sulfides. Enough to make it hot but that's it.

*  Red bell pepper because it was there and because it is red.

*  Pecans. Because ... I don't know why. Does everything need a reason? 

*  Mayonnaise. This covers everything including the potatoes that are already lightly dressed. The potatoes absorbed their light dressing independently of everything else and now they will be coated with the same mayonnaise as everything else. They are unified with the rest. 

The mayonnaise is made right here using the stick blender method described already many times. The difference today is that before starting off the eggs were tempered with hot tap water while still in their shells, that does get quite hot, almost hot enough to denature the eggs inside. The goopy eggs inside are warm almost hot when they are cracked open. The oil is also heated also to the point that almost cooks the egg, but it is drizzled and whirled while being drizzled so it never has a good chance to actually cook them, but by the end of the whirling the eggs are nearly cooked because of all that preheating. A few seconds in the microwave in pulses, stirring between pulses, brings the mixture to fully cooked status which is not necessary but it is useful for longer storage. Raw egg dressing must be used immediately. 

By the time I was done tossing things in a large glass mixing bowl, one at a time, picking the chicken, cooking the pasta, cutting celery, and especially the apple which is larger than an ordinary apple, then the whole thing was much larger than I intended. That took most the mayonnaise prepared for this. So after all that emphasis on mayonnaise storage preparation, most of the dressing was used up anyway, much more than I anticipated so there was only a very little remaining to store.  

The plate shown above is a small 9" plate. The amount of salad produced from one large chicken breast could make ten of these plates, I'm guessing. In fact, I'm going to have another one right now, a bigger one than the one shown at top. 

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