Couverture chocolate shipment

This is 22 LBS / two 5 Kg boxes of chocolate from Gourmail, which was the best price I could find this time. Their list looks familiar. Although, if it is the same place as before, then the single-source El Rey from Venezuela in the 5Kg box was removed because it is not there now. Although the smaller box is still there. 

Maybe it is just as well. At twice the cost I often doubted if it provided twice the chocolaty goodness. I became used to it. I've been living off it, actually, eating the discs directly and they are never as good as discs as they are tempered. So now my buds are oriented toward the Venezuelan type and when I tried the Barry's brand -- Cocoa Barry, har -- My brother's name is Barry and so is my president's and I'll not have it played with -- turns out to be a spectacular blend. 

The 5Kg boxes are $60.00 each. Plus $9.00 shipping. So $129.00 total for 22 LBs.


The last time I bought 33 LBs and it took three years to dispense. It is not good to store chocolate that long under any conditions so I bought less this time. In this case I would rather pay more for shipping than store the chocolate. So even if I run out quickly this time rather than slowly as before, I will still will have decided properly. 

Your Honor, I rest my cost-decision case. 

The side of the box with blue stripes is telling us the tempering target temperatures. They all do that. It's very helpful of them to assume that you never read a book or two or ten about chocolate or ever got online to research tempering temperatures. There is some variation between producers but very little. The tempering machine only asks the type; dark, milk chocolate, or white.  

I am at the tail end of three different  11 LB boxes of various chocolate. 

These two new boxes are replacing those three, but presently I still have all the boxes for all 55 LBs of chocolate, and that is a lot of boxes of chocolate for a regular guy to have laying around innit. When I saw them all together like that it occurred to me that I must admit it is a little bit odd and with that picture in mind I would likely lose any 'I am not overly involved with chocolate' argument. 

I thought of this later but I think I should mention it. The blue box says 'extra bitter' and that's kind of scary. I did not realize how harsh the El Rey is comparatively. After having accepted the El Rey single estate chocolate as the base flavor that I associate with chocolate then this Cacoa Barry brand that is a blend of more accessible types, a different species of tree, tastes very smooth to me, creamy, almost like butter. It is very pleasant tasting and not bitter at all. I don't know why they use that word. 


Rob said...

Hate to break it to you, but 5 KG isn't 22 pounds, it's 11.

Chip Ahoy said...

Thank you. Now, let me see, where did I go wrong? Ah. I see. Right off the bat.

Chip Ahoy said...

I should add maths.

Rob said...

The important thing is that you got the 22 pounds, so your cost per pound is what you anticipated. If you'd gotten only 11 pounds for that price, it would have been unfortunate.

Chip Ahoy said...

I must be getting weak. I would have guessed the box weighed 40LBs. No wonder nobody ever wanted to stack those cases xerox paper reams. Those are 40 LBs and I was the guy who always got to stack them. This box seem like those.

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