Tuna balls

Tinned tuna. 

Popcorn kernels and brown rice processed to dust and added to boiling water, heavily seasoned, forms a paste that comprises the pervasive substance in which tinned tuna and aromatics are suspended. 

That ↑ forms a paste, additional flour forms a glue that makes it possible to avoid using egg. Egg is not a bad idea, I just didn't feel like using one so my substance needed additional glue. Flour will combine with additional moisture in the vegetables and the tuna along with the pasty corn and rice mixture. 

All of that ↑ is leavened with baking powder

Deep fried in moderately hot oil. You'll want the inside to cook completely before the outside goes dark.

If wet tuna mixture is coated with flour with the excess patted off then the balls will form a thin crisp shell encompassing a light and soft and flavorful interior. 

These tuna balls are delicious.

The red sauce is catsup with chile flakes and mustard My mustard™.

*  white albacore tuna
*  celery
*  onion
*  corn powder
*  rice powder
*  water
*  baking powder
* chile pepper flakes
* sea salt
* black pepper

* oil to deep fry tuna balls

1 comment:

Rob said...

It's magic. You turned canned tuna into salmon balls!

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