Toast, homemade bread, raspberry preserves

The dots are caraway seeds. 

The bread was started at night and not looked at again until the afternoon the next day so that is a very long proof undisturbed. 

It started out slowly with 1/4 the usual amount of yeast and the normal amount of salt which is like driving slowly with the brakes on.  

So you have yeast and salt and caraway seeds and driving and brakes and you're thinking, "Does toast count?" 

And I go, "It counts for a meal when it's my toast, it sure does."


The last photo is tripping me out. The ball in the top left looks to me like the bread is reaching up to the butter, or something is streaming over the butter into the bread.

It is so odd but I pulled no chicanery in Photoshop. That really is what the camera's sensors recorded in that flash. There are two steady fluorescents and one flash arrayed in an arc on the left with the flash to the side of the camera. Light creeps around edges and blended penumbras soften the shadows in unexpected ways with very little adjustments between shots.

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