Sauerkraut, mustard

The sauerkraut is the type that comes in a plastic bag. Kraut in a bladder. A cold bladder. It's odd packaging. Whoever invented that must have a 'tude about large unwieldy jars. Like me. 

The mustard My mustard™ is prepared from powder and two types of seeds. The brown-colored seeds are half the size of the -- what? -- mustard-colored colored seeds, and that fascinates me. Both types were crushed together incompletely and then mixed with regular mustard-colored powder.

Once I planted a regular tiny mustard-colored seed and it germinated quickly and grew rapidly and overtook the Aerogarden. The plant sucked up water and the daily growth was noticeable. The oversized leaves were good in salads. And I am curious about the teeny-tiny brown seeds. Whichever mustard seed Jesus was talking about, I can see why he chose that seed and plant for metaphor. 

1/2 vinegar and 1/2 water to bring that powder and crushed seeds to the consistency you want. I wanted mine thick for now, thin for later. 

The mustard and the sauerkraut both have vinegar so sauerkraut is not the best application to show off the awesomeness of mustard My mustard because it does not burst through.

Correction, it does burst through, but it bursts through a burst so the secondary burst is less concussive. 

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