Chicken beast, zucchini and tomato with elk ragú

In the manner of a tempura. Instead of the whole thing at once, clunk, the breast was sliced laterally twice to produce three thin scaloppini, breaded with a combination of flours so that the batter will stick, then that same mixture of flour moistened with milk to form the batter. The combination of flour contains 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder, which lightens the batter considerably. Salt and pepper, but no chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder or anything else, I just didn't feel like it. I should call my doctor, there must be something wrong.

Ya know, I can take a perfectly spotless kitchen and within a half an hour make it look like a hurricane blew through. Then walk away and leave the whole mess to clean up later.

Hey look! That's me upside down in the bowl taking the picture.

* not pictured separately, three tablespoons elk ragú prepared previously.
* that was a rather small chicken breast
* that was also a very small zucchini
* medium size tomato
* 1/4 smallish onion
* flour mixture = 1/4 cup bread flour, 2 tablespoons rice flour, 2 tablespoons whole-wheat flour, 1/4 teaspoon baking powder, about 3/4 cup milk to transform mixture into a cold batter after the breast is dusted.
* vegetable oil at 350℉.
* zucchini and onion sautéed in olive oil for a few minutes, tomato added at end just to heat through. It could have just as easily been added cold. No cheese this time because, what do think I'm crazy? Actually, I was too lazy to grate some.

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