Almond milk 5

This time, separately in a little machine, five ewey-gooey Medjool dates were processed with one finely chopped up Mexican vanilla bean with part of the two-quarts filtered water set aside for this. I kept the little machine chopping until it stopped making noise.

After processing the almonds through the larger juicing machine with filtered water and with this date and vanilla bean liquid, and with over three-fourths of the water remaining, the dry processed near-dust material is dampened with part of the filtered water and re-processed.

Four times.

Over and over, end over, Andover, the dry discarded material is reprocessed this way and less and less dry material is produced each time. That means more and more of the dry material is passing through to finished liquid. 

        Why do they call it milk? 

I don't know. 

        Let's guess.

Marketers hope to have consumers replace dairy milk with almond milk so they use the word in common circulation with definition meaning the liquid exuded from mammalian female organs that give life to infants before the infants can process solid food. These marketers are awful people. They don't care about fidelity of meaning to language. They are willing to mess that up if they think they can profit. 


What? What's the answer?

        "Because it is white." 

Oh man, I was gonna say that! 

You know chocolate products have vanilla in it, right? 

I am re-using thick heavy dairy bottles originally used for chocolate milk. The color of this almond milk is darkened with Medjool dates. This has more dates than usual, twice the vanilla bean than usual, it is darker brown than usual and it is bottled in chocolate milk bottles and all that together means that as this ages a day in the refrigerator, all those thousands of vanilla bean seeds continue to give their flavor to the liquid so it gets stronger as it goes and near the end of the bottle I could swear that I added chocolate when I know that I added only vanilla. 

Total fake out.

This batch has much more solids in the bottles than all the previous runs. I am hoping to get a much stronger flavor.

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