Almond milk 6

Used some of the filtered water.

Used more of the filtered water.

Used more of the filtered water. 

Used the last of the filtered water.

The dry processed bits were processed three times, the material becomes finer and finer with each pass, and more and more of the solid material passes through to the liquid. 

So I stood there with a strainer and collected the bits as they shot out and reprocessed them. 

I just now opened a package of fifteen vanilla beans that I purchased through eBay, and I sat here wondering what the heck these things are all pressed together so tightly. Seal-a-Meal. Oh. These are vanilla beans. They're awfully short. Didn't recognize them.

I think that the juice shops make a vanilla bean go much farther than this. 

Through these almond milk drinks the dude consumes three or four vanilla beans each week.

The dude is nuts.


He's got vanilla essence coming out of his pores. Stick your nose in his shirt and smell him. Like perfume. Taken internally.

     "Don't wanna do that." 

Why not?

     "'Cause then you smell like puddin' and Ah eat you up."

Right, don't wanna do that.

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