Carrots and salmon in butter and soy sauce


I am really glad to have all this excellent salmon in the freezer but my favorite thing is the carrot. 

There is a large bag of carrots in the crisper. I drew out the largest one but used only half because it was crooked and I needed it to fit in the little plastic Japanese machine. I thought enough is enough already. But then it wasn't enough and I am ready to go right back and do this again. The carrot is delicious.

The carrot fried in the same pan as the salmon. My stove tilts a bit. That allowed me to sprinkle water over the carrots but not over the salmon. This steamed it violently and picked up all the burnt butter in the pan. 

If I was clever I could make a whole deal out of this. Jazz it up just a bit sweet/sour. Make it pretty. Herb it up for additional taste and for presentation. Consider additions like raisins. Yes, raisins! I don't care if you hate them. They work very well as dark dots. People put carrots in everything just to have something orange in it, and I can use raisins in carrots for dark dots in the orange. I could consider other dots like cut up pieces of dates. Onions. Because those turn sweet when cooked. Radishes. Whatever. You have the idea. The carrots are sweet. No sugar at all. But you could add brown sugar and turn them to veritable carrot-candy.

If ya wanted.

Why don't I eat more carrots?

I don't know.

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